SEBA Class 10 Arabic (Elective) Syllabus 2023-2024 PDF Download

SEBA Class 10 Arabic (Elective) Syllabus 2023-2024 PDF Download

The Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) has released the SEBA Class 10 Arabic (Elective) Syllabus for the current academic year 2023-2024. SEBA Class 10 Arabic (Elective) Syllabus 2023-2024 is now available in PDF format for download on the official website,

Name of BoardBoard of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA)
Class10th Standard
SubjectArabic (Elective)
Exam NameHigh School Leaving Certificate (HSLC)
CategorySEBA Class 10 Arabic (Elective) Syllabus
Syllabus Update/ Released11/04/2023
Academic Year2023-2024
Official Website

Here is a detailed overview of the SEBA Class 10 Arabic (Elective) Syllabus 2023-2024, which covers all the essential knowledge and skills that students need to succeed in their 10th standard board exams.

SEBA Class 10 Arabic (Elective) Syllabus 2023-2024


Time : 3 hours
Total Marks : 100
Pass Marks : 30
Half YearlyFinal
1Prose: Lessons included
(i) Minal Quranil Karim 
(ii) Minal Ahadithin Nababiyyah 
(iii) Ibnatun wa Ummuha
2Prose: Lessons included 
(v) Al-Hamamatun wan-Namlah 
(vi) Manjarul Huqul
(vii) ‘Indat Tabib
3Prose: Lessons included 
(ix) Tawakkulun ‘ala Allah
(x) Fil Funduq 
(xii) Rajulun wa-Namirun
Instruction: Questions of the units 1,2 & 3 are to be set covering all lessons in accordance with the model questions available in the Textbook. Stress should be given on Question-Answer in Arabic. 2 or 3 textual portions from different units are to be set for translation into mother tongue providing maximum 10 marks.  
4Poetry: Lessons included
(iv) Sahibi al-Kitab
(viii) Nashidul ‘Amal 
(xi) Talimul Fatah
Instructions: Questions of the unit 4 are to be set in the model of the questions given in the exercises at the end of every lesson with special stress on Question-Answer in Arabic. 1 or 2 texual extracts of maximum 5 marks are to be set for explanation in mother tongue.  
5A. Grammar: Grammatical Questions are to be set from the model questions existing in different lessons of the textbook. Moreover, some of the grammatical questions from the grammar portion of class-IX may be asked (Mudari Majhul, Al Amar, An Nuhi, Sifat, Zins etc.)1515 
B. Composition: Sentence making / Passage writing / Simple Story writing / Letter writing/Short essay writing1010
C. Translation: (Unseen): A few numbers of sentences are to be set for Translation into Arabic.1010
Textbook: ARABI ADHYAYAN, Dwitiya Bhag (For Class – X), Published by : ASTPPC Ltd, Guwahati.

Download the SEBA Class 10 Arabic (Elective) Syllabus 2023-2024

SEBA Class 10 Arabic (Elective) Syllabus 2023-2024 is now available for download in PDF format. You can download the syllabus for SEBA Class 10 Arabic (Elective). To download the syllabus, follow these steps:

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1. Go to the official website of the Secondary Education Board of Assam (SEBA).
2. Click on the “Downloads” section.
3. Click on the link for “Curriculum & Syllabi (2023-2024)”.
4. Select the subject syllabus that you want to download.
5. Click on the “Download” button.

SEBA Class 10 Arabic (Elective) Syllabus 2023-2024 is a comprehensive curriculum that covers the essential knowledge and skills that students need to succeed in the HSLC Examination. By carefully studying the syllabus and working hard, students can achieve their academic goals and prepare for their future.I hope this blog article has been helpful.

If you have any questions about the SEBA Class 10 Arabic (Elective) Syllabus 2023-2024, Please feel free to leave a comment below.

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