SEBA Class 10 Garo (MIL) Syllabus 2023-2024 PDF Download

SEBA Class 10 Garo (MIL) Syllabus 2023-2024 PDF Download

The Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) has released the SEBA Class 10 Garo (MIL) Syllabus for the current academic year 2023-2024. SEBA Class 10 Garo (MIL) Syllabus 2023-2024 is now available in PDF format for download on the official website,

Name of BoardBoard of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA)
Class10th Standard
SubjectGaro (MIL)
Exam NameHigh School Leaving Certificate (HSLC)
CategorySEBA Class 10 Garo (MIL) Syllabus
Syllabus Update/ Released11/04/2023
Academic Year2023-2024
Official Website

Here is a detailed overview of the SEBA Class 10 Garo (MIL) Syllabus 2023-2024, which covers all the essential knowledge and skills that students need to succeed in their 10th standard board exams.

SEBA Class 10 Garo (MIL) Syllabus 2023-2024

CLASS – 10

Time : 3 hours
Total Marks : 100
Pass Marks : 30
Half YearlyFinal
1Sasonni Bidingo A. Chikrangni Kam Ka.ani3515
Chadambeni Salrang
A.chik Sea-Tokanina
Missionaryrangni Kam Ka.ani 
2Chengo A.chikrangni Bebe Ra.ani 10
Howard Denison Wa.tre Momin 
3Chu Aro Uni Kam Bewalrang 10
4Jatni Sing.kam2010
A.Songtangna Sintia
5Saljong Tasin Me.ckik 10
Pa.sikani Namgija
6Grammer Aro Composition: All the grammar portion of class IX and the following 15
Aganbewalo seani, Dokbadale seani, Agan Me.apa Kattra Ku.jikse, Sentence Aro Uni Rokom15
Tense, Phrase, clause, Adjective aro verb 
7Dorkasto seani BA Chitti Seani55
8Essay Seani1010
9On dapgipa Poraiani (Extensive Reading)1515
Daud Aro Jonathon

Download the SEBA Class 10 Garo (MIL) Syllabus 2023-2024

SEBA Class 10 Garo (MIL) Syllabus 2023-2024 is now available for download in PDF format. You can download the syllabus for SEBA Class 10 Garo (MIL). To download the syllabus, follow these steps:

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1. Go to the official website of the Secondary Education Board of Assam (SEBA).
2. Click on the “Downloads” section.
3. Click on the link for “Curriculum & Syllabi (2023-2024)”.
4. Select the subject syllabus that you want to download.
5. Click on the “Download” button.

SEBA Class 10 Garo (MIL) Syllabus 2023-2024 is a comprehensive curriculum that covers the essential knowledge and skills that students need to succeed in the HSLC Examination. By carefully studying the syllabus and working hard, students can achieve their academic goals and prepare for their future.

I hope this blog article has been helpful. If you have any questions about the SEBA Class 10 Garo (MIL) Syllabus 2023-2024, Please feel free to leave a comment below.

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