Report Writing | Class 10 English Writing Skills | Class 10 Report Writing Question Bank | Report Writing English Writing Skills Question Bank | Report Writing Question Answer Assam | SEBA Class 10 Report Writing Question Bank

Report Writing

1. Prepare a report using the information given below. Do not add any new information.
-Two thieves arrested
-February 16, 1 P.M.
-Dimapur on Dibrugarh Kamakhya Express train
-Stealing luggage of some passenger
-other passengers suspect and catch them and hand over to the railway police.
-Stolen luggage recovered.

Headline: Two Thieves Arrested

Reported by a staff/press reporter
Dimapur, February 16: Now-a-days, the thieves are growing increase in the platform and trains. Today also one thief incident took place in Demapur on Dibrugarh Kamakhya Express. The train arrived at the platform about 1 P.M. and at that time two thieves were stealing luggage from some passengers. Then the passengers were starting to search their luggage and fortunately some other passengers suspected the thieves and catch them in red-handed (Hate-lute). The two thieves were handed over to the railway police and the police searched and recovered the stolen luggage to the passengers.

2. Prepare a news report of your local daily using the information given below—
-Date: 15 February
-Place: Nagaon Govt. Boys High School
-Inter School quiz Competition
-Participant School-6
-Quizmaster conducted efficiently
-Kampur High School winner
-Prize given by Headmaster of Nagaon Govt. Boys School
-Ended the programme with national anthem.

Headline: Inter-School Quiz Competition in Nagaon Govt. Boys High School

Reported by a staff/press reporter
Nagaon, February 15, 2023: Today one most cheerful and knowledgeable ‘Inter-school Quiz Competition’ was held in Nagaon Govt. Boys School. The competition started at 10.45 am and participated six groups from the six districts of school. The quizmaster conducted the competition quite efficiently. There were many known and unknown questions raised in the competition. And finally Kampur High school got highest score and announced as a winner. The prize of the winner was given by the headmaster of Nagaon Govt. Boys School. Then the programme came to an end with singing the National anthem ‘Jana Gana Mana Adhi’ by all and closed the programme.

3. A Football match between two school/college teams.
-Date, time and venue of the game
-The two contesting teams
-Exciting game, played according to rules
-The referee conducted the game ably as the spectators enjoyed it.
-Result of the game

Headline: An Exciting football Match in X High School

Reported by a staff/press reporter
Dhubri, 1February 15, 2023: An exciting/wonderful football match was played in the college playground today between P club and Q club. Both teams were young energetic and skilled players. The game started at 2 P.M. and the referee conducted the game very carefully according to rules and regulation of a football match. It was a more exciting game performed by both teams and from the starting to end spectators were making enjoyable in whole the game. The spectators supported their favourite team and both team performed perfectly well. In the first half both team scored 1-1 goal. But, after the first half at the finishing time Q club scored one more goal and won the match. The winner of the match and performed the good player’s prize was honoured/distributed by the president of organizer’s of the match.

4. A Serious Street/Road Accident
-Date, time and place
-Collision between a taxi and a rickshaw
-One rickshaw passenger died and another seriously injured
-Hue and cry in the place of the accident
-Police came, driver of the taxi arrested.

Heading: A Serious/Horrible/Terrible Street/Road Accident

Reported by a staff/press reporter
X main road, 16 Feb, 2023: Now-a –days the traffics are increasing in this big city. So for this reason, there are many accidents take place in day to day life. Today, one also horrible road accident took place in ‘X’ main road about 9.30 p.m. A speeding taxi was coming from the other side and knocked down/collision/struck/hit on a rickshaw at that place. For the struck of the speeding taxi one rickshaw passenger died instant and another one seriously injured. The people gathered there and make hue and cry in the place. Someone called the 108 service and the police man. The injured person was brought to G.M.C.H. by 108 services and also the dead person was brought to G.M.C.H. for post-mortem. The police arrested the taxi driver and forwarded to jail. Now a sorrowful moment of crying are flourished at that place and the police are searching for much information about the accident.

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5. Write a report on a cultural function held in your school/college.
-Date and time of the function
-Principal presided
-Programme- song, recitation, dance etc
-President’s speech
-Closing of the function

Headline: A colourful cultural function held

Reported by Y, general secretary of X high school
X high school, 16 Feb,2023:

Today, a colorful function was organized/held in the auditorium of our school for our annual college week. The function started/began at 9 A.M. with the Mahapurusha Sankardev’s bargeet. The honourble principal of our school presided over/inaugurated the function. Many cheerful/pleasantic/colourfully programmes participated by all the student of our school. At first, a famous one act play ‘Save the largest river island’ performed. And after that Bhupendra Sangreet, Bihu Song and modern songs were sung by some students. One of the wonderful recitation of Debakanta Barua’s ‘Sagar Dekhisa’ was also performed. Some other students also joined the dance programme of modern and classical. Other programmes like arts, debate competition, sport writing competition etc were also added the function. The principal/headmaster delivered his presidential speech after the many extraordinary programmes had performed. He encouraged the students and advised to bright/glowing/shine in every field of study, dance, song, sport, craft and so on/so forth. Then the general secretary also gave his thanks to all the students for supporting the programme. Finally/at last the function came to an end with singing the national anthem ‘Janaganamana’ and closed the function.

6. A press reporter was sent to report on a bank robbery. He made the following notes in his notebook. Using this information, write out a report for his newspaper.
16 February 1.30 P.M.
Sonapur—-25 K.M. from Guwahti Robbery in S.B.I. Bank Branch- five robbers in a jeep—lotted Rs. 10 Lakhs—-Cashier resisted—–was shot dead—–Police investigation is on——–no arrests so far.

Headline: A Daring Robbery in S.B.I. Bank, Sonapur

By a Press reporter
Sonapur, 16 February,2023: Now-a-days, it is most dangerous for robbery/dacoit. Within 24 hours many dacoits’ incidents take place in any other state. Today also one most dangerous/daring dacoit incident took place in the S.B.I. Bank, Sonapur at about 1.30 P.M. in broad daylight. A group of five members of robbers came in a jeep and suddenly entered the S.B.I. Bank of Sonapur. They created panic (uncontrollable fear) among the bank staffs and forced the cashier to handover the all money. But, the cashier resisted and so they shot the cashier by their gun and he died instant. They looted about 10 Lakhs rupees and fled away from there. The manager informed the police immediate and the police came and now Police investigation is going on. But, till now no one has arrested.

7. A Press reporter was sent to report on a Decoity. He made the following notes in his note book. Using this information, write out a report for his newspaper.
-Date- 17-08-2015
-Time- Midnight
-Place- Lakhimpur
Outline- Nature o the robbery: Docait came- broke open the gate—crashed the main door—forced the owner of the house to hand over the key of the steel almirah—took away cash and jewellery—neighbours raised a hue and cry—-none dares to resist for fear of life.

Headline: A Daring Dacoity Incident/ Robbery

By a press reporter
Lakhimpur, 17 Aug,2015:
Yesterday midnight at 1 A.M./ 1o’clock, a gang of fifteen dacoits suddenly entered in a house. They entered the house by breaking the main get and as well as the main door. And, the owner of the house forced the key of the money and jewelleries almirah. At first, he did not agree but when the gangs of a dacoit hold the gun on his head then he agreed to give the key. The gang of the dacoits/robbers fled away with about 20 lakhs of money and several jewelleries. The hue and cry of the house was heard by the neighbours but they did not dare to come for seeing the gun and fearing of die. After a few minutes the police was informed and the police started investigating. But till now, no one has arrested.

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8. Celebration of Independence Day at your school/college.
-Hoisting of National Flag by the Principal
-Singing of the National Anthem
-Speech by the Principal
-Other speakers including students
-Closing of the function


By a press reporter
X HIGH SCHOOL, 15 AUG, 2023: 15 August has been celebrated as an Independence Day all over the India. Like the other places, X high school was also organized a felicitation program in the school auditorium today. All the students, teachers and other employees of the school were present at 9 am. At first the principal/headmaster of the school hoisted the national flag and as soon as the Nation Anthem was sung by all. After that the headmaster made a dignified lecture and explained the significance of Independence Day. And also he advised to keep patriot feelings for our own country. Some teachers, members including students also delivered speech after the headmaster/principal. Everybody mentioned the moral value of freedom and suggested to save it at any cost. The program/function was closed at 11 am after declaration of the headmaster/principal.

9. Write a report for a newspaper writing the following information.
-Devastating Fire
-February 16,2023
-Time- Midnight
-Place- A slum area in Guwahati—effect: Houses gutted— 7 burnt alive—steps taken—-4 fire engines worked throughout the night—police inquiry ordered.

Headline: A Devastating Fire in Guwahati

By a press reporter
Guwahati: February 16,2023: A devastating fire broke out in a slum area in Guwahati at midnight. The people of area were sleeping and before they could do anything various number of shops, big and small buildings and fifty numbers of huts had already gutted. Seven labourers were sleeping and they were burnt alive under there. Later, someone called fire brigade and four fire engines worked together throughout the night and finally that was brought under controlled only in the morning. The esteemed loss was about 1.5 cores rupees and many other valuable things were destroyed. Many people suspected the electric short circuit for the cause of the incident. The D.C. of Guwahati had ordered a magisterial enquiry about the incident. Now, a tragic moment is yet to be flourished in that place.

10. Write a report for using the information below—
Date- 16 February, 2023
Nalbari District—Flood caused—due to incessant rain fall—the river Pagladia breached(Bhanga) the embankment(mathauri)—-road communication snared—–people took shelter on the railway lines—–widespread caused by the flood—–relief.

Headline: Flood causes Havoc in Nalbari District

By a press/staff reporter
Nalbari, 16 February,2023: For incessant/unceasing/continual rain falling for a week the whole/entire Nalbari district has been caused a terrible flood. Today the flood situation turned critical and the river Pagladia breached the embankment. The national highway and the other roads were totally snapped crashed. There were no place to live/stay and many people have taken their shelter on the railway lines. Many houses/huts have been washed away and a widespread caused by the flood in whole area. The army has been pressed to service the suffering people and various relief camps opened in some school and places. There has been a scarcity of drinking water. The District Administrator is making all out efforts to lessen/become less the suffering of the flood affected people. And the government was made relief to each flood affected persons.

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11.Flood Relief work done by students of your school/college.
-Date and time of the work
-How the place was reached
-Number of students taking part
-Number of people affected
-Relief materials distributed

Headline: Flood Relief Camp of X High School

By a press/staff Reporter
Nalbari, 16 Feb, 2023: The students of X high school organized a flood relief camp for helping to the flood affected peoples in Nalbari area. The general secretary lead this organization and the headmaster of the school also supported them. More than thirty students had joined and collected medicine, money, cloths, foods and many other essential things from the rich businessmen and other some voluntary organizations. All the members of the camp went the flood affected area at 1 pm and served by different things like medicine, foods and any other else. There were more than five hundred peoples affected by flood. The camp also made relief to each flood affected persons. The other local people also helped the camp to serve. The chief minister and other dignities came and they also gave some money to flood affected people and thanked to the camp for their voluntary works.

12. A “Swacha Bharat Abhiyan” drive was done by the students and the teachers of your school. Write a report for your local daily using the information given below—
-Date and time of the work
-Number of students and teachers participated
-Cleaned the school campus
-Dustbin installed
-Praised (prosangsa kara) by the local people
-More similar drive promised.

Headline: A Swachcha Bharat Abhiyan X high school

By a press/staff Reporter
16 February, 2023: Today, the students and the teachers of X High School organized a Swacha Bharat Abhiyan and drove in the school campus. The work started at 9 am and ended at 4 pm. More than forty students and twelve teachers participated the abhiyan. All the students and teachers took brooms in hands and cleaned the whole school campus. There were several dustbins installed different places and collected the garbage in there. All the students and teachers praised by the local people for their valuable work and ideal. The programme was so attractive and the teachers gave more similar drive promised in future time. All other visitors were also encouraged to do like this work and tomorrow also one ‘Swacha Bharat Abhiyan will be taken by village people in the area.

13. Prepare a newspaper report using the information given below. Do not add any information.
-Celebration of Teachers Day
-September 5th,2016, 10.00 am
-Function organized by the students and presided over by the Headmaster.
-Speakers including students spoke on the significance.
-students felicitated teachers.
-Closing of the function.

Headline: Celebration of Teacher Day in X High School

By a press/staff Reporter
September 5, 2023: 5 September has been celebrated as a ‘Teacher Day’ all over the India and especially for memorial the birthday of world famous, educationalist, philosopher and former president of India Dr. Sarbapalli Radha Krishnan. Like the other places of India, X High School also celebrated a colourfully programme in school auditorium today. The function started/began at 10 a.m. . The Function organized by the students union and presided over by the Headmaster of X High School. At first, many speakers like teachers, members of the school including students spoke on the significance of the day and about the ideal of Radha Krishnanji. The Headmaster also delivered his speech and advised to all for give respect to all the teachers. After that, several students felicitated (adorani) teachers by their ‘fulam gamusa’, ‘pen’, and ‘bouquet of flowers’. Many other programmes like songs of Mahendra Sangeet and Bhupendra Sangeet; dance of Modern and Classical; painting; debating and some programmes were performed by some students Finally/at last the function came to an end with singing the national anthem ‘Janaganamana’ and closed the function after had declared by the Headmaster (president).

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