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A Thing of Beauty

Very Short Answer Type Questions: (1 Marks)

1. Who is the poet of ‘A Thing of Beauty’?
Ans: John Keats is the poet of ‘A Thing of Beauty’.

2. From which work of Keats is the poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’ an excerpt?
Ans: ‘A Thing of Beauty’, is an excerpt from Keats’s work ‘Endymion’ published in 1818.

3. What is the legend on which the poem,’ A Thing of Beauty’ is written? [2016]
Ans: The poem is based on a Greek legend in which Endymion a handsome young shepherd and poet who lived on mount Patmos had a vision of Cynthia, the moon goddess.

4. What is seen as ‘a joy forever’?
Ans: A thing of beauty is seen as a joy forever.

5. What according to Keats never ‘passes into nothingness’? [2015]
Ans: A thing of beauty will never pass into nothingness.

6. What should we do every morning?
Ans: Every morning we should wreath a flower band to bind us to the earth.

7. What is the ‘green world’ according to Keats?
Ans: Nature is the ‘green world’ according to Keats.

8. What do the following expressions mean?
Ans: Bower: It is a pleasant shady place under trees or climbing plants in a garden or a wood.
Wreathing: it means to encircle or cover. Wreath also means a circular band of flowers and leaves.
Inhuman: Lacking qualities of sympathy and compassion
Dearth: An inadequate supply
Pall: A coffin, anything that spreads darkness or gloom
Boon: A blessing
Clear Rill: a clear small rivulet or brook.

9. ‘Its loveliness increases….’ What is the poet talking about.
Ans: A thing of beauty becomes more beautiful with the passage of time.”

Short Answer Type Questions: (2 Marks)

1. What increases continuously in, ‘A Thing of Beauty’?2018
OR: How a Thing of beauty a joy forever? [2012,2013, 2016,2017]
OR: What according to Keats, never passes into nothingness? [2015]
Ans: Keats, in his poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’ says that a beautiful thing is a source of joy forever. Its loveliness only increases with time, instead of diminishing. It grows in its charm and continues to captivate the beholders ( observer), giving them a lot of happiness.

2. What ‘will keep’ for us, according to Keats?
Ans: A thing of beauty will never fade away or pass into nothingness. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. According to Keats, a beautiful thing will keep a bower quiet for us. A beautiful thing has the effect of a cool and pleasant shelter in the midst of the harsh rays of the sun, in the journey of life.

3. What do the ‘clear rills’ make for themselves?
Ans: The clear rills find a way and make a cooling hiding place for themselves against the relentless attack of the hot days of summer. Despite, the heat around, these small rivulets (small river) and brooks are an oasis of coolness and also keep the surrounding environment cool.

4. ‘A bower quiet for us, and asleep. Full of sweet dreams and health and quiet breathing.’
(i) What does bower suggest here?
Ans: Bower suggests a cool and shady place away from the heat and the glare of the sun. Here it implies the effect of a beautiful thing on our minds. We get peace and tranquillity from beautiful things, and recollecting those memories fills us with happiness.

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(ii) What does….. ‘sleep full of sweet dreams’ signify?
Ans: The line signifies that a thing of beauty has an impact on our health and lifestyle also. A thing of beauty is a source of joy forever. It gives us happiness and peace of mind. It leads to getting sound sleep filled with sweet dreams and not troubled nightmares.

5. What does the poet Keats wish us to do to keep our ‘despondence’ away?
Ans: The poet, John Keats, wishes us to entwine a band of flowers to bind us to the beauties of nature to keep despondence away. Despite sorrows and darkness in our life and the world we live in, a beautiful thing can uplift us and transport us from a state of despair to a state of joy.

6. ” A flowery band to bind us to earth.” What is a flowery band?
Ans: A flowery band refers to the beautiful things that keep us bound and attached to the earth. Nature has a lot of beautiful and wondrous things to gladden our heart. The presence and memory of beauty give us the desire to look forward to living life.

7. ‘Of the inhuman dearth of noble natures ‘. What does the quoted line mean?
Ans: The quoted line is from John Keats’s poem, ’A Thing of Beauty’. The line speaks about the lack of nobility among human beings. There is a lot of darkness and malice in human behaviour. There is a dearth or shortage of noble nature among human beings.

8. How do the clear rills make for themselves a ‘cooling cover’?
Ans: The clear rills find a way and make a cooling hiding place for themselves against the relentless attack of the hot days of summer. Despite the heat around, these small rivulets and brooks are an oasis of coolness and also keep the surrounding environment cool. The clear rills surge ahead and forge a passage for themselves as they pass through thick bushes and shrubs. This cooling covert made in this way is not for them alone but also beneficial to the immediate atmosphere and environment around them. It is a safeguard against the scorching heat of summer and provides a place of coolness and comfort.

9. What is the meaning of ‘mid forest brake’ in Keats’ poem?
Ans: Brake is a thicket or an area overgrown with briers or bushes. Mid forest brake means in the middle of the forest. Nature and the bounty of nature are appreciated here. Despite the heat of the summer season, the mid forest brake is enriched with the presence of fragrant blooms of the musk roses. It is a beautiful sight to behold and a source of joy.

10. Who are the mighty dead?
Ans: The mighty dead are our glorious forefathers and those great people who have laid down their lives for a worthy cause and become martyrs. They lived for their countries and served humanity. We get to know about their mighty deeds by reading or listening to the lovely stories that relate to their sacrifices and their valour in the cause of humanity. These stories serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for us, in the course of our life. These stories reflect their glory and will be cherished for their beauty.

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11. Why is grandeur associated with the mighty dead?
Ans: Grandeur is associated with the mighty dead as stories of their lives of achievement serve as an inspiration to those who read or hear about them. These were people who devoted their lives for a worthy cause and were martyred for it. The grandeur of the mighty dead lies in their noble deeds. They continue to live through their acts of valour which continue to motivate all those who hear or read about it.

12. List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem.
OR: Name the things of nature that are constant sources of beauty. [2016]
Ans: John Keats, in the poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’ says that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. Every little or big thing of nature is a thing of beauty and a source of pleasure such as the sun, the moon, trees old and young, daffodil flowers, small streams with clear water, a mass of ferns and blooming musk-roses.

13. List the things that cause suffering and pain.
Ans: In the poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’, John Keats mentions a few things that cause pain and suffering to human beings. These are despondence, the inhuman dearth of noble natures, gloom, ill-health and dark spirits. They are like a cover of sadness over our lives. In the course of life on earth, there are a few gloomy things which cast a spell of darkness in our lives. Despondence is the feeling of gloomy and sorrow, a state of being without hope. This weighs us down and leaves us with a negative outlook.

14.. What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings? [2019]
Ans: Every morning, we wreathe a band of flowers to bind us to the beauty of the earth. A beautiful thing lifts the cover of gloom and darkness from our lives. It makes us love life in spite of troubles and sufferings. As we look at nature around us, we find many beautiful things that give us happiness and uplift us. Despite the sufferings and hardships of life, beauty makes life worth living and loving.

15. ‘A Thing of Beauty is a joy forever.’ Elaborate.
Ans: John Keats writes,” A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever in the opening lines of ‘Endymion’, from which the poem is taken.
Beautiful things are a source of never ending pleasure. They give happiness throughout our lifetime. Beauty never ceases to exist and continues to give a joy forever. It makes life worth living despite troubles and sufferings. Beauty is like the shade of a bower, soothing and relaxing. We get peace and tranquillity from beautiful things, and recollecting those memories fills us with happiness. Beauty does not fade away or reduce with time.

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16. What image does the poet use to describe the bountiful bounty of nature?
Ans: Towards the end of the poem, the poet uses the image of an endless fountain of immortal drink to describe the bountiful bounty of nature. Keats considers nature and the beauty of nature as an endless fountain of immortal drink. The sun, the moon, the daffodils, the clear streams, the forests, etc., are a few beautiful images that make a profound impact on us.

17. Explain the following lines:
(a) A bower quiet for us
Ans: “A bower quiet for us” means a shade for us in the journey of life. It is a place where we can retreat to, in order to seek shade and comfort, from the scorching heat of the sufferings and troubles of life.

(b) ______are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth.
Ans: Every morning, we wreathe a band of flowers to bind us to the beauty of earth and nature. Despite sorrows and darkness in our life and the world we live in, a beautiful thing can uplift us and transport us from a state of despair to a state of joy.

(c) Some shape of beauty moves away from the pall…
Ans: Beautiful things and their memories uplift us and remove the pall of sadness from our dark spirits.

(d) An endless fountain of immortal drink
Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink.
Ans: Keats considers nature and the beauty of nature as an endless fountain of immortal drink. All beautiful things are like an immortal fountain from heaven above for mankind to enjoy its priceless treasure.

18. What is the message of the poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’? [2020]
Ans: The poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’ leaves with the message that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. The memories of a beautiful thing continue to gladden our hearts and inspire us in the journey of life. A beautiful thing will never fade away, but its loveliness will increase with time. Despite the burdens, troubles and sufferings in life, a thing of beauty will uplift and inspire us to lead and love life.

19. How do we bind us to the earth every morning?
Ans: Every morning, we wreathe through a band of flowers to bind us to the beauty of earth and nature. In spite of sorrows and darkness in our life and the world we live in, a beautiful thing can uplift us and transport us from a state of despair to a state of joy.

20. What does Keats consider an endless fountain of immortal drink, and why does he call it to drink?
Ans: Keats considers nature and the beauty of nature as an endless fountain of immortal drink. All beautiful things are like an immortal fountain from heaven above for mankind to enjoy its priceless treasure. He calls it immortal because a thing of beauty is a source of joy forever. It will not fade or vanish with the passage of time. He calls it a drink because beauty is like the elixir of life.

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