Letter Writing | Class 10 English Writing Skills | Class 10 Letter Writing Question Bank | Letter Writing English Writing Skills Question Bank | Letter Writing Question Answer Assam | SEBA Class 10 Letter Writing Question Bank

Letter Writing

Letter to the Editor

1. Write a letter to the editor of Assam tribune, Guwahati, 781003 to draw the attention of the authorities concerned to the erratic power supply, particularly study hours in your locality. You are Ritu/Rita
OR: Write a letter to the Editor of a local English Newspaper about frequent (সঘনাই) load shedding (loosening/অহা যোৱা কৰা) in the evening in your locality.

From Examination Hall
Date- 21-10-2023

The editor of Assam Tribune, Guwahati-781003
Sub- Recover the irregular powers supply of our area/ complain about frequent load-shedding

Respected Sir,
I would like to draw the attention of Government officials and concerned authorities to highlight (লক্ষ্যনীয় কৰিবলৈ) about the frequent breakdown/irregular of power supply in our area, through the columns your esteemed daily newspaper ‘Assam tribune’.

Due to (বাবে) the erratic (অস্থিৰ) power supply, the residents of our area have been suffering in every field in our day to day life. Within the twenty four hours, only five or six hours current supplied regularly. But, lack of full voltage, many works cannot be done completely. We, all the students also have been suffering during our study hours/times. Schools, colleges, offices, hospital and many other institutes have been suffering a lot. We informed the matter to the electricity board and concerned authorities. But, they do not take any action for recover the problem.

So, I hereby request to you that kindly give a little space in your newspaper for draw the attention to power minister about our irregular power supply. I hope this letter will awaken the concerned authorities from their slumber(শুৱাৰ পৰা উঠা) and make provision(ব্যৱস্থা) of the uninterrupted(নিৰবচ্ছিন্ন) power supply of our area.

Yours Faithfully
The Assam Tribune,
Chandmari, GNB Road,

2. Write a letter to the editor of The Sentinel drawing attention of the authorities concerned regarding the poor condition of the roads in your locality. You are Rashmi/Manab living in Changsari, Kamrup.
OR: Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper expressing your concern authorities about frequent road accidents for your poor condition of your road in your area.

House No-
Dhubri- 783128
Date- 21 October, 2023

The Editor
Of The Sentinel
Sub: Recover the poor condition road of our area/ solve the frequent road accidents (only for 2nd b. answer)

Respected Sir,
I would like to draw the attention of Government officials and concerned authorities to highlight about the poor condition road in our area which has done frequent accidents and many other problems.

The condition of the road has been worsening (বেয়া হৈ গৈ আছে) day by day. No repair has been done to the damaged road. It is observed/notice that many other departments like water supply, telecommunication, telephones, etc often dig (খান্দা) the road without take any future protection. Also the workers of the different departments dig the holes (Gat) for their convenience (সুবিধা অনুযায়ী). As a result it is not possible to ride any vehicle properly and causes traffic jam in many places. This road condition causes several accidents in a day and accidents are a regular feature in these days. We, all the students also have been suffering during our school time. We requested many times to the concerned authorities but our efforts (প্ৰচেষ্টা) have fallen in deaf ears/ inattentive. Till now, the road is in improper (অপ্ৰকৃত) condition and increasing destroyed day by day by the heavy vehicles.

So, I hereby request to you that kindly give a little space in your newspaper for draw the attention to the concerned authorities about our poor condition of the road. I hope this letter will awaken the concerned authorities from their slumber and make provision of the damage roads in our area.

Yours Faithfully/Truly

3. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the rising prices of essential commodities (পণ্যদ্ৰব্য).

From examination Hall
Date- 21 October, 2023

The editor
Of Assam Tribune, Guwahati-781003
Sub: Maintained the rising prices

Respected Sir,
Through your esteemed daily news paper I would like to draw the attention of Government and concerned authorities to highlight about the rising prices of essential commodities which causes many problems in day to day life.

For growing prices, it is many difficulties to buy any things for the middle classes and low income groups of people. These abnormal rice prices also make problems for day labour workers. Not only the rice, all the essential commodities are making a worse to buy. Of course, the affluent/rich sections of the society are not affecting and they are not so much worried about the situation. Vegetables, pulses, cooking spice, tea, sugar, milk, kerosene all are daily necessities of common people. But, the abnormally prices are cause many problems in daily life and now people face improper condition to live a life.

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So, I hereby request to you that kindly give a little space in your newspaper for draw the attention to the Government about this serious/risky problems. I hope this letter will awaken the concerned authorities from their slumber and make provision of the rising prices of essential things.

Yours Faithfully/Truly
The Assam Tribune,
Chandmari, GNB Road,

4. Write a letter to the editor of an English daily drawing the attention of the concern authorities to the problem faced by the people of your area due to the scarcity of drinking water.

From Examination Hall
Date- 21 October, 2023

The editor of Assam Tribune, Guwahati-781003
Sub- Solve the problem of drinking water

Respected Sir,
Through your esteemed daily paper, I want to highlight the attention of Government in general and Municipal Corporation authorities about the problem of scarcity of drinking water.

Most of the places of our area are polluted by the different dirty things. Many places are gathered dirty garbage in our nearest houses. And the ponds of our area are also polluted for throwing the dirty things and become unbearable smell from the water. For these reasons, the water level of our area is so dirty that the water of our area smells and not clears. We requested the municipality board to install drinking water’s drum and provide tipcals. But, they do not take any action regarding this problem. Due to this water pollution/scarcity of drinking water, many people of our area have been suffering from some diseases.

So, I hereby humbly request you that kindly give a little space to your esteemed daily paper and draw the attention of the problem. I hope this letter will awaken the concerned authorities and expect a positive response immediate.

Yours Faithfully
The Assam Tribune,
Chandmari, GNB Road,

Application to Headmaster/Principal

5. Write an application to your Headmaster/principal praying for a half holiday, to celebrate the victory of your school team in the Inter School Volleyball Tournament.

The Principal Dhubri Higher Secondary/High School
Date- 21 October, 2023
Sub: Prayer for a half holiday

I most respectfully and happily to state you that our school was crowned(সম্মানিত) the winner in the Inter School Volley Tournament organized by Don Bosco High School. In the final, our school teams scored highest score and win the first prize. So, one felicitate ( congratulate) program organized in Donbosco High School today. That is why/that’s why, we want to participate the program and support our school team.

I hereby humbly pray to you to declare a half-holiday that we will celebrate the Victory of our school team to go there. A Prompt reply will be appreciated/expected.

Yours Faithfully

6. You are Anil/Anima Saikia of Laksminath Bezboruah Higher Secondary School Dhubri. Write a letter to the Principal of your school requesting him to excuse you for your absence from the 1st Unit Test on medical ground.

The Principal Laksminath Bezboruah Higher Secondary School, Dhubri
Date- 21 October, 2023

Subject- Praying for leave of my absent

Respected Sir,
I am Anil, a student of class twelve of your school. Unfortunately, I had been remain absent during the 1st Unit Test for my malaria. In first two days, I thought that the fever was over in a short time. But, after had checked my blood the illness had been detected as Malaria and growing pain. So, I could not come back from hospital for my suffering. I have just returned from hospital. As a result of this absent, my name was struck off the 1st Unit Test of class Twelve.

I hereby apologies near you for my absent without any application. I humbly request you that kindly excuse me for this matter. I assure you for my mistake and promise that I sHall never repeat such a mistake in during my studies in your school. I promise you, within a short time I sHall have made up the deficiency(অভাব/khati) of caused by the 1st Unit Test.

Thanking you
Yours most obediently
Signature Anil

Letter to a friend

7.Write a letter to your friend informing him/her about you have visited/you have seen recently.

From Examination Hall
Date- 21 October, 2023

My Dear Nayanjyoti/Nayana,
I thank you heartily for your recent sweet letter/cheery note. I always remembrance you in my every moment. How are your presents? I here trust with you happy journey to Kaziranga National Park, a most unique/memorable/unforgotten journey in my entire life.

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Last week, my family and I visited the famous Kaziranga National Park with a happily and enjoy full journey. We started the journey at 7 am and returned from there at night 9 pm. I have seen many outstanding things there. I was travelling the entire park by elephant back. I was happily to see one horn rhino for my first time and the other animals like Asiatic water, buffalo, wild elephants, gaur, samber, eastern swamp deer and many others for my first time. I was interesting to see the herbivores(trinna-bhuji prani) include the jungle cat, fishing cat, Bengal fox, sloth bear etc. I have also seen the variety of migratory birds, water birds, duck, grey-headed birds, eagle etc. There were many different trees in this park. Common trees are like leca indica, Alphania rubra, stereulia, urens etc which all are the most unknown for my life. And at last/lastly, I want to inform you the five hundreds species of orchids, 132 variety of sour fruits and leafy vegetables, 12 specimen cane (bat), 46 species of bamboo of cane, and a large number of verities local fishes also there which are more amazing to see for my first time. After all, this is the best journey for my entire life and unforgettable.

Will you come to my house shortly? If you come I sHall inform you broadly about this journey. But if you cannot come then you write a letter by saying how much you like to my journey. I give you good night and daily love to you. I hope you may be glad and I pray to God to send you most prosperity/prosper in your life.

Your Lovingly/Sincerely
House No……
Natun Bazar, Hojai-782435

8. Write a letter to your friend describing your preparation for H.S.L.C./H.S. Examination.
OR: Write a letter to your friend describing preparation for the ensuing H.S.L.C. examination.
OR: Write a letter to your friend telling him/her how you have prepared for your H.S.L.c/H.S. exam.

From Examination Hall
Date- 21 October, 2023

My Dear Nayanjyoti/Nayana,
I thank you heartily for your recent sweet letter/cheery note. How are your presents and other family members? I here trust with you about my preparation for the H.S.L.C./H.S. Examination for your anxious/interest to know.

I have been preparing for the examination with full activity and sincerely. I have prepared a time table/routine for my all subjects. I divide the 24 hours systematically for whole subjects. I have been reading two subjects (write the two subjects like ……..and……… in place of ‘two subjects’) in morning and two subjects in afternoon and the other two at night. I also manage two hours for extra coaching classes from one experienced teacher to solve my problems. I have already done my lesson’s questions. Now, I am preparing additional questions from different sources like Test Papers and other books. As well as reading I have also cared for my health and exercise regularly in the morning. I hope to do very well in my examination.

Will you come shortly to my house for the important notes? If you come I sHall discuss with you some important questions. But if you cannot come then you write a letter saying how much you have prepared for your examination. I give you good night and daily love to you. I hope you may be glad and I pray to God to send you most prosperity/prosper in your life and give successful in your examination.

Yours Lovingly/sincerely
House No……
Natun Bazar, Hojai-782435

9. Write a letter to your friend informing him/her about a book you have recently read.

From Examination Hall
Date- 21 October, 2023

My dear friend Anil/Anita,
Your letter has just arrived and I am glad to receive from best wishes for my examination. Thanks a lot of for this.

Now, I am going to inform you about a book which I have recently read. The book name is ‘Fasting Feasting’ by Anita Desai, a fantastic novel of English Literature. This novel title is so beautiful and meaningful. There are three main characters, Uma, Arun and Aruna and also their parents ‘mama-papa’. The title ‘Fasting’ means without much facility of food and this is referring the character Uma, who stay without much facility and reference this word ‘fasting’. And the other title word is ‘Feasting’ means full of facility food and other things. This word refer the character ‘Arun. Uma is the elder sister of Arun. But, Uma is a girl, so she cannot get more essential things like foods, education, travels and most other things than Arun. Arun is a boy, so he gets full facility like education especially higher education, much food facility and many other essential things which he needs. This novel provides about the dominated of the women in Indian society which flourish in Uma’s character by from her sufferings. She is also forced to do all the works of home and look after the Arun. In whole story the main theme is that our society often dominates the women. Really, I inform you that this story is most interesting for me and a valuable for any other persons to understand the sufferings of a woman.

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I like this story very much. If you like this, please write a letter and inform. Even, if you want to know about more then I sHall tell you when you will come to my house. Thanks again for read my letter and many happy wishes for your coming days and examinations.

Yours Lovingly/Dearest
House No……
Natun Bazaar, Hojai-782435

Job Application

10. You are Borun/Bornali Deka of Station Road, Nalbari. Write a job application to the Principal Angel’s School, Nalbari, seeking employment as a teacher stating your experience and educational qualification and other details supporting your candidates.

Barun Deka
Station Road,Nalbari
Date- 21 October, 2023

The Principal of Angel’s School, Nalbari
Subject: Request for appointment as an English Teacher

Respected Sir,
(if you get any advertisement write first like—) This is response to your advertisement published in Assam Tribune or other papers of January 17,2017 inviting application for the post of an English teacher or mention other post, I wish to apply for the same. I wish to state that I am a graduate in Arts Stream. Presently, I am unemployed and wish to serve as an English teacher and possess the requisite experience and qualifications to suit your requirement. I would require about a week’s time to join if selected by you.

I passed B.A. with major in English. I am a dynamic young man of pleasant manners and good personality. I possess wonderful communication skills. I have reasonable command over above mention the subject. I have a diploma in computer also. I want to apply for the post of an English teacher. In addition to teaching, I take keen interest in extracurricular activities also.

I enclose here a brief bio-data of myself to enable you to assess my suitability for the post. I have no doubt that my qualification and experience will make me a suitable candidate for the job. I can assure you that I sHall leave no stone unturned to prove my worth if you selected or given a chance to serve. I am sure that I sHall prove to be an asset for your prestigious institution. I hope for a favourable response.

Yours Faithfully

Name- Barun Deka

Father Name- Hiranya Deka
Date of birth- 20th july, 1979
Sex- Male
Maritial Status- Unmaried
Permanent Address- Vill- x, P.o- Y, P. S.- z, Dist- Nalbari, Pin-123456 State- Assam
Present Address- Same as Permanent Address
Education qualification- B.A.(Hons. In English) P. College with 67%, B.ED from Q University with 73%,
Extra Qualification- P.G.D.C.A.(Computer) in R.G.C.S.M.
Experience- 1year as an English teacher in S. Public High School
Language Known- Assamese, English and Hindi
Hobbies- Reading and writing.

I hereby declare that above mention are true and right. If you find any mistake in mention above, then my candidature cancelled by you without any proper information to me.

Asking to Know about any Courses

11. You are Rahima/Binoy. You want to study Bachelor of Mass Communication(BMC) under Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University(KKHSOU), Guwahati. Write a formal letter to the Register of KKHSOU to get necessaey information about the course, duration of the course, fee structure, mode of learning, evaluation, etc.

From examination Hall
Date- 21 October, 2023

The Registrar of Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University, Guwahti
Subject- Regarding to seek information about the Mass Communication Course Details

Respected Sir,
I am a student of class Xii of S. Higher Secondary school and this is to enquire about the details of Mass Communication Course. I need to get certain necessary all information regarding the course of Bachelor of Mass Communication (BMC). I wished to join the course when I knew that your institution provide this course. I want to build up my career in Mass Communication in my future and I am so interested in it. After I have completed my H.S., I sHall join this course. I request to you that kindly provide me the following details regarding this course for better understanding,
1) The session of the course
2) Total charges and fees including incidental charges
3) Mode of learning
4) Inform the evaluate of a student for this course
5) Qualification and percentage requires
6) Any other matter related in this course

I wish to you that you provide me the above information at earliest, so that I can easily join without any difficult. And that I am ready in every matter before the admission. I hope a positive response from you. Thanking you.

Yours faithfully
Headquarters: Patgaon, Rani. Guwahati- 781017, Assam

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