On the Face of It | AHSEC Class 12 English Question Answer | Class 12 English Important Questions Answers Assam | NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English | AHSEC English Textbook Question Answer Assam | HS English Question and Answer Assam | AHSEC English Question and Answer Assam | Class 12 English | Vistas

On the Face of It

Very Short Answer Type Questions: (1 Marks)

1. What did Derry think when he entered the garden? Did Derry come to steal anything?
Ans: When Derry entered the garden, he thought that the garden was an empty place and nobody was avail there.
Absolutely nothing/no, Derry did not come to steal anything. He just wanted to stay alone for some time.

2. How old was Derry ? Did Derry believe everything he heard?
Ans: Derry was about fourteen years old.
Yes, Derry believed everything as he heard.

3. Has Derry’s attitude changed finally ? Is everyone welcome into Mr. Lamb’s garden?
Ans: Yes, Derry’s attitude has changed finally.
Yes, everyone is welcome into Mr. Lamb’s garden and the gate is always open.

4. What are the sounds heard in Mr. Lamb’s garden ?
Ans: The sounds heard in Mr. Lamb’s garden are the occasional sound of birdsong and of tree leaves rustling.

5. Who was Mr Lamb ?
Ans: Mr Lamb was an old man who lived in a big house alone. His one leg was in tin. He had a beautiful garden. His one leg was blown off in the war.

6. What is meant by ‘Handsome is as handsome does’ ?
Ans: This is a proverb. It is meant that a man’s looking is not so important but more important what his inside heart is. That means, beauty does not depend on looking but only depends on the purity of the heart.

7. What kind of ‘face’ does the ‘world have’ ?
Ans: The world’s got a whole face, and the world’s there to be looked at.

8. What do people tell Derry to make him forget his pain ?
Ans: People suggest Derry to look at all those people who are in pain and brave that never cry, never complain and never feel sorry for themselves. They advise to think of all those people who worse off than him. They expect Derry to forget his pain by feeling about the blinded person, or born deaf, or have to live in a wheelchair, or be daft in his head and dribble and like these disable persons.

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9. Why aren’t there any curtains at the windows of Mr. Lamb’s house ?
Ans: Mr. Lamb does not fond of curtains and shutting things out also shutting things in. He likes the light and the darkness, and the windows open, to hear the wind. So/for these reasons, there aren’t any curtains at the windows of Mr. Lamb’s house.

10. How does Mr. Lamb say that he occupies himself in his house ?
Ans: Mr. Lamb says that he occupies himself in his house by sitting in the sun, reading books and other works. His windows have no curtains and by these he hears the wind sound. People and kids come to his garden and he makes toffee with honey for them. Thus, he stays or occupies himself in his house.

11. How does Mr. Lamb perceive things ?
Ans: Mr. Lamb perceives things in positive manner. According to him, everybody has got two arms, two legs, two eyes and two ears, also has got a tongue and a brain. So, he or she can get on the way which she or he wants like all the rest. If he or she chooses and sets his or her mind to it, then he or she can get on better than all the rest.

12. How did Mr. Lamb lose his leg?
Ans: Mr. Lamb had a tin leg. He had lost one of his legs in the war. He had to walk with one leg from then.

13. Why and how did Derry enter Mr. Lamb’s garden ?
Ans: Derry thought that Mr. Lamb’s garden was an empty place and the house was an empty one. He didn’t know there was anybody there. So, Derry entered the garden to achieve/get some peace and stay alone for a little while/a moment.
Derry entered Mr. Lamb’s garden by climbing the garden wall.

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14. What was the reaction of Mr. Lamb after he saw Derry entering his garden ?
Ans: When Mr. Lamb saw Derry entering his garden then he suggested to minding the crab apples. He also encouraged him not to afraid of. Mr. Lamb welcomed Derry to his garden. But, Mr. Lamb looked at the matter that the gate was open, instead Derry entered the garden by climbing the garden wall.

15. Who should be friends according to both Derry and Mr. Lamb ?
Ans: According to both Derry and Mr. Lamb, those people pass in the street and might even speak to them, but never see them again and still retain friendship with them, they should be friends.

16. What does Mr. lamb do that seems ‘peculiar’ to Derry ?
Ans: Mr. Lamb does not fond of curtains and shutting things out also shutting things in. He likes the light and the darkness, and opens the windows to hear the wind. These things seem ‘peculiar’ to Derry.

17. Why did Derry go back to Mr. Lamb in the end ?
Ans: Derry said that his mother would want to know where he was. The garden was three miles away from his home across the fields. He was fourteen so they or his families still wanted to know where he was. So/for these reasons, Derry went back to Mr. Lamb in the end.

18. Name the persons who often entered Mr. Lamb’s Garden ?
Ans: Tom, Dick and Harry were the persons who often entered Mr. Lamb’s garden. Mr. Lamb always welcomed them and felt happy with their visit.

19. Why does Derry feel that everyone is afraid of him ?
Ans: Derry’s one side of his face was burnt. Once, he got acid all down that side of his face. Then, it burned it all away and ate his face up. So, Derry feels that everyone is afraid of him at seeing his face.

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20. What is it that draws Derry towards Mr. Lamb in spite of himself ?
Ans: Derry did not believe on the few friends that Mr. Lamb had. He did not think that anybody ever came again. He worried that Mr. Lamb lived in the garden alone and miserable condition. So, no one would know if he was alive or dead and nobody cared.

21. How do people comment when they see Mr. Lamb? How does he react to it?
Ans: When Mr. Lamb goes down the street, the kids shout ‘Lamey-Lamb.’ But they still come into his the garden, into his house that it is a game for him and them.
He does not react negatively or tell anything to them. He does not afraid of them. So, they are not afraid of him.

22. Why and how do people comment painfully about Derry’s face?
Or: How and why do people comment so painfully about Derry’s face?
Ans: Derry’s one side of his face was burnt. Once, he got acid all down that side of his face. Then, it burned it all away and ate his face up. People are afraid of and disdain for his face. One day, a woman comments that his face is a terrible thing. She also comments that only a mother can love this face.

23. Mr. Lamb says to Derry: ‘It’s all relative. Beauty and the beast.’ What does he mean by that?
Ans: By addressing to Derry, Mr. Lamb means this statement that beauty and the beast are all relative in this world. Beauty loves the monstrous beast for himself and when she kisses him he changes into a handsome prince. So, ‘handsome is as handsome does’ for Mr. Lamb.

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