Change of Voice | Class 12 English Grammar | Class 12 Change of Voice Question Bank | Change of Voice English Grammar Question Bank | Change of Voice Question Answer Assam | AHSEC Class 12 Change of Voice Question Bank

Change of Voice

1.The news surprised me.
Ans: I was surprised at the news.

2. Are they meeting him at the Airport?
Ans: Is he being met by them at the airport?

3. She handed me the letter.
Ans: The letter was handed by her to me./ I was handed the letter by her.

4. They laughed at us.
Ans: We were laughed at by them.

5. He described the situation to the police.
Ans: The situation was described by him to the police.

6. The storm damaged the roof.
Ans: The roof was damaged by the storm.

7. The stranger made an attempt to break into the house.
Ans: An attempt was made by the stranger to break into the house.

8. The student was told to leave the room.
Ans: The teacher told the student to leave the room.

9. You will be asked to deliver the letter.
Ans: Somebody will ask you to deliver the letter.

10. I have been asked about the incident.
Ans: Someone has asked me about the incident.

11. The students were told to organize the programme.
Ans: The principal/the headmaster told the students to organize the programme.

12. I know that he did the work.
Ans: I know that the work was done by him./ He did the work is known to me.

13. The thief was beaten up by the mob.
Ans: The mob beat up the thief.

14. Your sister is well known to my mother.
Ans: My mother knows well your sister.

15. My umbrella has been stolen.
Ans: Somebody/someone has stolen my umbrella.

16. Rajen was told by the principal to work harder.
Ans: The principal told Rajen to work harder.

17. The noise of the blast awakened the villagers.
Ans: The villagers were awakened by the noise of the blast.

18. I was put to sleep by the cool breeze.
Ans: The cool breeze put me to sleep.

19. After the accident someone called the police.
Ans: After the accident, the police was called./ The police was called after the accident.

20. They were cleaning the floor earlier today.
Ans: The floor was being cleaned by them earlier today.

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21. He is expected soon.
Ans: Someone/Somebody expects him soon.

22. Guwahati is called the gateway to the North East.
Ans: People call Guwahati the gateway to the North East.

23. Fire burnt the shed to ashes.
Ans: The shed was burnt by fire to ashes.

24. Shall we help her with her work?
Ans: Will she be helped by us with her work?

25. Have you brought the book?
Ans: Has the book been brought by you?

26. They kept me waiting.
Ans: I was kept waiting by them.

27. We were alarmed at the news.
Ans: The news alarmed us.

28. Obey your teachers.
Ans: You are advised to obey your teachers.

29. Has the car been washed?
Ans: Has someone washed the car?

30. Thieves broke into the house.
Ans: The house was broken into by thieves.

31. Man makes machines.
Ans: Machines are made by man.

32. My watch was stolen.
Ans: Someone stole my watch.

33. Please give me some more time.
Ans: You are requested to give some more time.

34. When will the work be finished?
Ans: When will finish the work?

35. Close all the gates at once.
Ans: You are ordered to close all the gates at once.

36. The student was told to leave the room.
Ans: The teacher told the student to leave the room.

37. Guwahati is called the gateway to the North East.
Ans: People call Guwahati the gateway to the North East.

38. They laughed at us.
Ans: We were laughed at by them.

39. My umbrella has been stolen.
Ans: Someone has stolen my umbrella.

40. The thief was beaten up by the mob.
Ans: The mob beat up the thief.

41. You will be asked to deliver the letters.
Ans: Someone/They will ask you to deliver the letters.

42. She bought the baby a doll.
Ans: The baby was bought a doll by her.

43. They were refused admission.
Ans: The principal/The headmaster refused them admission.

44. He was found guilty of murder.
Ans: They/The police found him guilty of murder.

45. The leader was welcomed by the people.
Ans: The people welcomed the leader.

46. My watch has been stolen.
Ans: Somebody/Someone has stolen my watch.

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47. She handed me the letter.
Answer. I was handed the letter by her.
Or: The letter was handed to me by her.

48. They laughed at us.
Ans: We were laughed at by them.

49. The stranger made an attempt to break into the house.
Ans: An attempt was made by the stranger to break into the house.

50. The student was told to leave the room.
Ans: The teacher told the student to leave the room.

51. Have they done the work?
Ans: Has the work been done by them?

52. Football is played everywhere.
Answer. People play football everywhere.

53. Do the work immediately.
Ans: Let the work be done immediately.

54. Who opened the door?
Ans: By whom was the door opened?

55. I have lost my book.
Ans: My book has been lost by me.

56. The coach is training the players.
Ans: The players are being trained by the coach.

57. Who has broken the window pane?
Ans: By whom has the window pane been broken?

58. A Japanese firm makes these televisions sets.
Ans: These televisions sets are made by a Japanese firm.

59. An earthquake destroyed the town.
Ans: The town was destroyed by an earthquake.

60. Whom did you laugh at?
Ans: Who was laughed at by you?

61. He was taught this in his boyhood.
Ans: His parent or His teacher taught him this in his boyhood.

62. Shut the window.
Ans: Let the window be shut.

63. Drive the car slowly.
Ans: Let the car be driven slowly.

64. I am writing a letter now.
Ans: A letter is being written by me now.

65. We should not encourage indiscipline.
Ans: Indiscipline should not be encouraged by us.

66. Who wrote the Ramayana?
Ans: By whom was the Ramayana written?

67. Promises should be kept.
Ans: We/You should keep promises.

68. He will be forgotten in a few years.
Ans: Someone/Everyone will forget him in a few years.

69. The nurse is looking after this little girl.
Ans: This little girl is being looked after by the nurse.

70. Morning shows the day.
Ans: It is said that morning shows the day.

71. The glass has not been broken by anybody.
Ans: Anybody has not broken the glass.

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72. What causes an earthquake?
Ans: What is an earthquake caused?

73. The ground has to be cleared by us.
Ans: We have to clear the ground.

74. The Governor gave him a reward.
Ans: He was given a reward by the Governor.
Or: A reward was given to him by the Governor.

75. It is time stop the war.
Ans: It is time the war to be stopped.

76. It is time the work to be finished at once.
Ans: It is time stop the work at once.

77. People/We say that he is a great person.
Ans: It is said that he is a great person.

78. It is said that she is an intelligent girl.
Ans: People/We say that she is an intelligent girl.

79. I know that he did the work.
Ans: I know that the work was done by him.

80. I know that the project had been done by her.
Ans: I know that she had done the project.

81. My notebook/pen has been stolen.
Ans: Someone/Somebody has stolen my notebook/pen.

82. My notebook/pen has been lost.
Ans: I have lost my notebook/pen.

83. Fire and attack.
Ans: You are commanded to fire and attack.

84. Please help me.
Ans: You are requested to help me.

85. Don’t waste your time.
Ans: You are advised/suggested not to waste your time.

86. Get out.
Ans: You are ordered to get out.

87. Congratulation.
Ans: You are congratulated (by someone/somebody).

88. Thank you.
Ans: You are thanked (by someone/somebody).

89. She is known to me. (change into active)
Ans: I know her.

90.He placed the book on the table. (Change into passive)
Ans: The book was placed on the table by him.

91. The cow was given fodder by the farmer. (Change into active)
Ans: The farmer gave fodder to the cow.

92.  All children love ice cream. (Change into passive)
Ans: Ice cream is loved by all children.

93. People call the lion the king of beasts. (Change into passive)
Ans: The lion is called the king of beasts.

94. He is expected soon. (Change into active)
Ans: Someone/We expect him soon.

95. Let the game be finished. (Change into active)
Ans: Finish the game.

96. Everybody says/people say that morning shows the day.
Ans: It is said that morning shows the day.

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