Transformation of Sentences | Class 12 English Grammar | Class 12 Transformation of Sentences Question Bank | Transformation of Sentences English Grammar Question Bank | Transformation of Sentences Question Answer Assam | AHSEC Class 12 Transformation of Sentences Question Bank

Transformation of Sentences


1.This is the best book on the subject.(to comparative/to positive)
Ans: This book is better than any other books on the subject. (comparative)
No other books are as good as this book on the subject. (positive)

2. This is one of the easiest poems in the reader. (to comparative/to positive)
Ans: This is easier than most other poems in the reader. (comparative)
Very few poems in the reader are as easy as this.(positive)

3.This is one of the best colleges in the north.(to comparative/to positive)
Ans: This is better than most other colleges in the North.(comparative)
Very few colleges in the North are as good as this.(positive)

4. He is more intelligent than you.(to positive/to superlative)
Ans: You are not so intelligent as him./You are not as intelligent as him.(positive)
He is the most intelligent between you and him.(superlative)

5.The Rajdhani Express runs faster than any other train.(to positive/to superlative)
Ans: No other trains run as fast as Rajdhani Express.(positive)
The Rajdhani Express is the fastest train.(superlative)

6. No other boxer is as great as Mary Kom.(to comparative/to superlative)
Ans: Mary Kom is greater than any other boxer.(comparative)
Mary Kom is the greatest boxer.(superlative).

7. Gold is more precious than most other metals.(to superlative)
Ans: Gold is the most precious metal.

8. Guwahati is bigger than any other city in the North East.(to positive)
Ans: No other city in north east is as big as Guwahati.

9.No other fruit is as sweet as than any other fruit.(rewrite in comparative)
Ans: The mango is sweeter than any other fruit.

10. This is the best book on the subject. (Change into comparative degree)
Ans: This book is better than any other subject.

11. No other boxer is as great as Mary Kom. (Change into superlative degree)
Ans: Mary Kom is the greatest boxer.

12. Kolkata is the most populous city in India. (Change into comparative degree)
Ans: Kolkata is more populous city than any other city in India.

13. No other boy is as intelligent as Raju. (Change into superlative degree)
Ans: Raju is the most intelligent boy.

14. No other boxer is as great as Mary Kom. (Change into comparative degree)
Ans: Mary Kom is greater than any other boxer.
OR: No other boxer is greater than Mary Kom.

15. The Brahmaputra is the longest river in India. (Change it into positive degree)
Ans: No other river is as long as the Brahmaputra in India.

16. This is one of the best colleges in the North. (Change it into comparative degree)
Ans: This College is better than any other college in the North.

17. The Bhupen Hazarika Xetu at Dhola Sadiya is the longest bridge in India. (Change it into positive degree)
Ans: No other bridge is as long as the Bhupen Hazarika Xetu at Dhola Sadiya in India.

18. Atul is the best boy in the class. (Change it into positive degree)
Ans: Atul is a good boy in the class.

Interchange Of Clauses

1. I know his name.(to complex)
Ans: I know what his name is.

2. He came in the morning.(to complex)
Ans: He came when it was morning.

3. I am sure that I shall pass.(to simple)
Ans: I am sure to pass.

4. He hoped that he would win the prize.(to simple)
Ans: He hoped for winning the prize.

5. On going there, I found the door locked.(to complex)
Ans: On going there, I found the door which is locked.

6. Mr. Barrak Obama, The president of the United States, visited India last year.(complex)
Ans: Mr. Barak Obama, who is the President of the United States, visited India last year.

7. Coming home, he began to work.( to compound)
Ans: He came home and he began to work.

8. In spite of his wealth he is unhappy.(compound)
Ans: Though he is wealthy but he is unhappy.

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9. Speak the truth and I shall pardon you.(to complex/to simple)
Ans: If you don’t speak the truth I shall not pardon you.(complex)
Speak the truth, I shall pardon you.(Simple)

10. I did this and so offended him. (to complex/to simple)
Ans: I offended him because I did this. (Complex)
I offended him by doing this. (Simple)

11.I know what his intentions are.(to simple)
Ans: I know his intentions.

12. You must work hard to succeed.(to compound)
Ans: Unless you work hard you will not succeed.

13. This proves that he was innocent.(to simple)
Ans: This proves his innocent.

14. Compound: He was poor, but he was honest.
Complex: Though he was poor, he was honest.
Simple: In spite of his poverty, he was honest.

15. Compound: Go there, or you will be fined.
Complex: Unless you go there (or, If you do not go there), you will be fined.
Simple: You must go there to escape being fined (or, to escape a fine)
Compound: Speak the truth, and I shall pardon you.
Complex: If you speak the truth I shall pardon you.
Simple: In the event of your speaking the truth, I shall pardon you.

16. Compound: was ill; therefore. he could not come.
Complex: He could not come because he was ill.
Simple: He could not come because of (or, on account of) his illness.

17. Compound: I called him. but he did not answer.
Complex: Though (or, When) I called him. he did not answer.
Simple: He did not answer to my call.

18. Compound: He not only made a promise but kept it.
Complex: He kept the promise he had made.
Simple: He kept his promise.

19. Compound: I did this and so offended him.
Complex: I offended him because I did this.
Simple: I offended him by doing this.

20. Compound: He must return the goods or pay the bill.
Complex: If he does not return the goods, he must pay the bill.
Simple: case of his failure to return the goods, he must pay the bill.

21. Compound: He wanted to see you, and so he came home.
Complex: He came home in order that he might see you.
Simple: He came home to see you.

22. I know his name. (Change into a complex sentence)
Ans: I know what his name is.

23. I know where he was born. (Change into simple sentence)
Ans: I know his birth place.

24. I know his name. (Change into a complex sentence)
Ans: I know what his name is.

25. He hoped that he would win the prize. (Change into a simple sentence)
Ans: He hoped to win the prize.

26. He desires that I should go there. (Make it a simple sentence)
Ans: He desires me to go there.

27. He is so lazy that he cannot shine in life. (Make it a compound sentence)
Ans: He is too lazy to shine in life.

28. Having done his work he left the place. (Make it a compound sentence)
Ans: He did his work and left the place.

29. We heard of her failure. (Make it a complex sentence)
Ans: We heard that she had failed.

30. He admitted that he had done wrong. (Make it a simple sentence)
Ans: He admitted of his wrong doings.

31. Unless you work hard, you will fail. (Make it a compound sentence)
Ans: Work hard or you will fail.
OR: Work hard otherwise you will fail.

32. He wants me to help him. (Make it a complex sentence)
Ans: He wants me that I help him.

33. The enemy fled as soon as they saw us. (Make it a compound sentence.)
Ans: No sooner did the enemy flee than they saw us.

34. A stone that is rolling gathers no moss. (Make it a simple sentence)
Ans: A rolling stone gathers no moss.

35. Being ill, he could not attend school. (Make it compound sentence)
Ans: He was ill and he could not attend school.

36. On seeing the lion, he ran away. (Make it a complex sentence)
Ans: When he saw the lion then he ran away.

37. The students who are good do their homework regularly. (Make it a simple sentence)
Ans: The good students do their homework regularly.

38. I did this, he was offended. (complex)
Ans: He was offended to me for doing this. (simple)

39. He will certainly go.(to complex)
Ans: There is no any doubt that he will go.

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Interchange Of Negative And Affirmative Sentences (Without Changing Meaning)

1. None but Anita can do the sum.(to affirmative)
Ans: Only Anita can do the sum.

2. He left no plan untried.(to affirmative)
Ans: He tried each and every plan.

3. Everybody must admit that Tendulkar is a great cricketer.(to negative).
Ans: Nobody can deny that Tendulkar is a great cricketer.

4. Every problem has a solution.(to negative)
Ans: No problem is solution less.

5. I was doubtful if he would come.(to negative)
Ans: I was not sure if he would come.

6. No sooner did he see me than he began to quarrel.(to affirmative)
Ans: He began to quarrel as soon as he saw me.

7. I shall never forget you.(Change into affirmative)
Ans: I shall ever remember you.

8. I shall never forget you.(to interrogative)
Ans: Shall I ever forget you?

9. Is it not a foolish idea?(Transform into a statement.)
Ans: It is not a foolish idea.

10. Unless you drink this medicine you will not get well.(Rewrite using if)
Ans: If you don’t drink this medicine you will not get well.

11. As soon as he went to bed, he fell asleep.(rewrite in negative)
Ans: No sooner did he go to bed than he fell asleep.

12. None but Anita can do the sum. (Change into affirmative)
Ans: Only Anita can do the sum.

13. Everybody must admit that Tendulkar is a great cricketer. (Change into negative)
Ans: Nobody must deny that Tendulkar is a great cricketer.

14. No sooner did he see me than he began to quarrel.(Change into affirmative)
Ans: As soon as he saw me he began to quarrel.

15. He tried all plans. (Change into negative)
Ans: He left no plans untried.

16. None but Anita can do the sum. (Change into affirmative)
Only Anita can do the sum.
OR: Anita alone can do the sum.

17. Everybody must admit that Tendulkar is a great cricketer. (Change into negative)
Ans: Nobody can deny that Tendulkar is a great cricketer.

18. Only Ram was present there. (Make it negative without changing the meaning)
Ans: None but Ram was present there.

19. Only corrupt people are protesting against demonetization. (Changing into negative)
Ans: None but corrupt people are protesting against demonetization.

20. Is there any nation in the world that is not taking notice of India today. (Changing into affirmative)
Ans: All nations are taking notice of India today.

21. Who does not know that the sun shines in the East ? (Changing into affirmative)
Ans: Everybody knows that the sun rises in the east.

22.. You are richer than I. (Make it negative without changing the meaning)
Ans: I am not as rich as you.

23. There is no smoke without fire. (Make it affirmative without changing the meaning)
Ans: Every fire has smoke.

24. (a)Chennai is hotter than Mumbai. (Change into negative)
Ans: Mumbai is not as hot as Chennai.

25. None found the play uninteresting. (Change into affirmative)
Ans: Everyone found the play interesting.

26. Winters in Guwahati are getting colder each year. (Change into negative)
Ans: It is not that winters in Guwahati are not getting colder each year.

27. I tried every plan. (Make it negative without changing the meaning)
Ans: I tried no plan untried.
OR: I left no plan untried.

28. There is no rose without a thorn. (Change into affirmative)
Ans: Every rose has a thorn.

29. She tried all plans. (Change into negative)
Ans: I left no plan untried.

30. Everybody must admit that she is a good singer. (Change into negative)
Ans: Nobody can deny that she is a good singer.

31. It is often difficult to speak the truth. (Make it negative without changing the meaning)
Ans: It is not often easy to speak the truth.

Change of sentences (Assertive, Interrogative, Imperative, Optative and Exclamatory)

1. I shall never forget you. (Change into interrogative)
Ans: Shall I ever forget you?

2. I shall never forget you. (Change into interrogative)
Ans: Shall I ever forget you?

3. Is it not a foolish idea? (Change into a statement)
Ans: It is a foolish idea.

4. Everybody wishes to be happy. (Make it interrogative)
Ans: Who does not wish to be happy?
OR: Does not everybody wish to be happy?

5. The nation is taking big strides to turn digital. (Changing into interrogative)
Ans: Is the nation taking big strides to turn digital?

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6. I left my phone behind at your place. (Change into interrogative)
Ans: Did I leave my phone behind at your place?

7. Wasn’t Kothanodi a unique film?
Ans: Kothanodi was a unique film.

8. The waters of the Siang have turned turbid. (Change into interrogative)
Ans: Haven’t the waters of the Siang turned turbid?

9. A leopard can never change its spots. (Change into interrogative)
Ans: Can a leopard ever change its spots?

10. Aren’t dogs faithful animals? (Change into assertive)
Ans: Dogs are faithful animals.

11. Your hair is very lovely. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)
Ans: What a lovely hair!
OR: How lovely your hair is !

12. (a)Wasn’t ‘Village Rockstars’ a unique film? (Change into assertive)
Ans: ‘Village Rockstars’ was a unique film.

13. This is not the correct way of answering this question. (Change into interrogative)
Ans: Is this the correct way of answering this question?

14. Why waste time in this fruitless occupation? (Make it assertive)
Ans: You should not waste time in this fruitful occupation.
OR: Do not waste time in this fruitless occupation.

Add Appropriate Questions Tags of the Following

1. The boy plays tennis.
Ans: The boy plays tennis, doesn’t he?

2. She is a good teacher.
Ans: She is a good teacher, isn’t she?

3. You are a dancer.
Ans: You are a dancer, aren’t you?

4. My father reads the Mahabharata every day.
Ans: My father read the Mahabharata every day, doesn’t he?

5. He is a doctor.
Ans: He is a doctor, isn’t he?

6. I am a pupil.
Ans: I am a pupil, amn’t I?

7. Ramu likes flower.
Ans: Ramu likes flower, doesn’t she?

8. Nikita’s father is a kind hearted man.
Ans: Nikita’s father is a kind hearted man, isn’t he?

9. Her father never takes sugar in his tea.
Ans: Her father never takes sugar in his tea, does he?

10.The boy plays cricket well.
Ans: The boy plays cricket well, doesn’t he?

11. It is very hot today.
Ans: It is very hot today, isn’t it?

12. The girl sings well.
Ans: The girl sings well, doesn’t she?

13. The new five hundred rupee note is smaller than the old one.
Ans: The new five hundred rupee note is smaller than the old one, isn’t it?

14. Your house faces the river.
Ans: Your house faces the river, doesn’t it?

15. We will go for the movie together.
Ans: We will go for the movie together, won’t we?

16. They are going to Gangtok on an excursion.
Ans: They are going to Gangtok on an excursion, aren’t they?

17. Rome was not built in a day.
Ans: Rome was not built in a day, was it?

18. Our winters are very pleasant.
Ans: . Our winters are very pleasant, aren’t they?

19. You will show me your new bike.
Ans: You will show me your new bike, won’t you?

20. Your computer hasn’t crashed.
Ans: Your computer hasn’t crashed, has it?

21. You are learning music.
Ans: You are learning music, aren’t you?

22. They have been to Mumbai.
Ans: They have been to Mumbai, haven’t they?

23. He can act very well.
Ans: He can act very well, can’t he?

24. She is an expert rollerblader.
Ans: She is an expert rollerblader, isn’t she?

25. Judy has just recovery from a bout of chicken pox.
Ans: Judy has just recovery from a bout of chicken pox, hasn’t he?

26. You could have done the work last week.
Ans: You could have done the work last week, couldn’t you have?

27. Jio is going overboard with its offers.
Ans: Jio is going overboard with its offers, isn’t it?

28. Global warming is really affecting our winters.
Ans: Global warming is really affecting our winters, isn’t it?

29. She is an excellent dancer.
Ans: She is an excellent dancer, isn’t she?

30. Now you can make question tags.
Ans: Now you can make question tags, can’t you?

31. We are going to attend a party.
Ans: We are going to attend a party, aren’t we?

32. The house needs immediate repairing.
Ans: The house needs immediate repairing, needn’t it?

33. I have not done my homework yet.
Ans: I have not done my homework yet, have I?

34. He kept his promise.
Ans: He kept his promise, didn’t he?

35. They will not be there.
Ans: . They will not be there, will they?

36. Riyan has just arrived home.
Ans: Riyan has just arrived home, hasn’t he,?

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