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Nelson Mandela : Long Walk To Freedom

Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1. The inauguration ceremony of Nelson Mandela becoming the President took place in
(a) The amphitheater
(b) Union Buildings
(c) The lovely sandstone amphitheatre.
(d) Parliament House.
Ans: (c) The lovely sandstone amphitheater.

2. Mr. de Klerk was first sworn in a
(a) Prime Minister
(b) First Deputy President
(c) Chief Minister
(d) Second Deputy President
Ans: (d) Second Deputy President

3. Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as
(a) Prime Minister
(b) First Deputy President
(c) Chief Minister
(b) Second Deputy President
Ans: (b) First Deputy President

4. The smoke trail of Impala jets symbolised
(a) Power of white people of South Africa
(b) Unity is strength
(c) The victory celebration
(d) The new South Africa flag.
Ans: (d) The new South Africa flag.

5. Greatmen viz. Oliver Tambos, Walter Sisulus, Chief Luthulis were as a result of
(a) Oppression and hated for the blacks
(b) The ‘effect’ of decades of oppression and brutality
(c) Freedom movement.
(d) Swadeshi Movement
Ans: (b) The ‘effect’ of decades of oppression and brutality

6. The author was born with certain freedoms viz.
(a) Running
(b) Roasting
(c) Running in the fields, swimming, roasting miles, reading the bulls etc.
(d) Playing.
Ans: (c) running in the fields, swimming, roasting miles, reading the bulls etc.

Very Short Type Questions and Answers (Marks : 1)

1. Nelson Mandela spent twenty years in prison. (True or False)
Ans: False.

2. On the day of the inauguration, two national anthems were sung. (True or False)
Ans: True.

3. On the day of inauguration, Mandela was accompanied by his daughter Zenani. (True or False)
Ans: True.

4. Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as the second deputy president. (True or False)
Ans: False.

5. The ‘inauguration’ was for the installation of South Africa’s first democratic, non-racial government. (True or False)
Ans: True.

6. Mr. de Klerk was first sworn in as second deputy President. (True or False)
Ans: True.

7. The inauguration took place on 10 May 1992. (True or False)
Ans: False.

8. Nelson Mandela had a great respect for a host of great men of characters like Oliver Tambos, Walter Sisulus, Chief Luthulis and so. (True or False)
Ans: True.

9. Only one national anthem was sung on that historic day. (True or False)
Ans: False.

10. In South Africa, during the whites’ supremacy, the blacks could fulfill the twin obligations. (True or False)
Ans: False.

11. Nelson Mandela joined the African National Congress when the freedom of everyone had been curtailed.
Ans: True. (True or False)

12. Nelson Mandela could not enjoy his freedom because his family’s freedom had been curtailed. (True or False)
Ans: True

13. According to Nelson Mandela between love and hate which comes more naturally to human heart?
Ans: According to Nelson Mandela love comes more naturally to human heart than hate.

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14. Had been pleasantly ‘besieged‘ by (fell good/ to be surrounded closely by/honoured)
Ans: to be surrounded closely by.

15. Our political ‘emancipation’. (curtailment / freedom from restriction / bondage)
Ans: freedom from restriction.

16. Anthem they once ‘despised’, they (hatred /reluctant / had a very low opinion of)
Ans: had a very low opinion of.

17. From that ‘profound’ hurt (mild/superficial/deep)
Ans: deep

18. The ‘transitory‘ freedoms. (permanent / lasting for a short time / ever)
Ans: lasting for a short time

19. What is “Apartheid?
Ans: ‘Apartheid’ is a political system that separates people according to their race.

20. Who wrote the autobiography, “Long walk to Freedom.”?
Ans: The autobiography, “Long walk to Freedom” was written by ‘Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela’.

21. What is the full name of Mr. Mandela?
Ans: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

22. When was the democratic elections held in South Africa?
Ans: The democratic elections was held in South Africa on 10 May 1994.

23. Who surrounded the author before the inauguration’?
Ans: The author was surrounded by the dignitaries and world leaders before the ‘inauguration’.

24. Where did the ceremonies take place?
Ans: The ceremonies took place in the lovely sandstone amphitheatre formed by the Union Building in Pretoria.

25. What had been the seat of white supremacy for decades?
Ans: lovely sandstone amphitheatre had been the seat of white supremacy for decades.

26. Who were the leaders present there?
Ans: The international leaders were present there.

27. Why did the leaders gather in South Africa on 10th May 1994?
Ans: The leaders gathered in South Africa on 10th May, 1994 for the installation of South Africa’s first democratic, non-racial Govt.

28. Who accompanied the author on that lovely autumn day?
Ans: Zenani, author’s daughter was accompanied him on that lovely autumn day.

29. Who was sworn in as second deputy president?
Ans: Mr de Klerk was sworn in as second Deputy President.

30. Who was sworn in as first deputy President?
Ans: Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as first deputy Deputy President.

31. What roared in perfect formation over the Union Buildings?
Ans: Helicopters and troop carriers roared in perfect formation over the Union Building.

32. What could the highest Generals have done to the author earlier?
Ans: The highest Generals have saluted and pledged their loyalty to the author earlier.

33. What were the colors emitted by a chevron of Impala jets?
Ans: Black, Red, Green, Blue and Gold were the colours emitted by a chevron of Impala.

34. What did the smoke trail of Impala jets symbolize?
Ans: The smoke trail of Impala jets symbolized the ‘the new South African flag’.

35. Name the two national anthems sung on that historic day.
Ans: the two national anthems sung on that historic day are:- ‘Nkosi Sikelel -iAfrika’ ‘Die Stem’

36. How old was the author at the time of ‘inauguration’?
Ans: the author was 77 years old at the time of ‘inauguration’.

37. What created a deep and lasting wound in South Africa?
Ans: The white people of South Africa.

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38. How many obligations does everyman have, according to the author?
Ans: Twin obligations.

39. How many years did Nelson Mandela spend in prison?
Ans: Mandela spent “thirty years” in prison.

40. When did Nelson Mandela die?
Ans: Nelson Mandela died on 5 December 2013.

41. What is apartheid?
Ans: Apartheid is a political system that separates people according to their race.

42. Who surrounded the author before the inauguration?
Ans: International leaders and dignitaries surrounded the author before the inauguration.

43. Where did the ceremonies takes place?
Ans: The ceremonies takes place in the Union Buildings amphitheatre in Pretoria.

44. Who were the leaders present there?
Ans: Politicians and the International learders were present there.

45. Who accompanied the author on that lovely autumn day ?
Ans: Nelson Mandela’s daughter Zenani accompanied him on that lovely autumn day.

46. Who was sworn in as first deputy president ?
Ans: Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as first deputy president.

47. Who was sworn in as second deputy president?
Ans: Mr de Klerk was sworn in as second deputy president.

48. What were the colours emitted by a Chevron of Impala jets?
Ans: A Chevron of Impala jets emitted the colour black, red, green, blue and gold of the new South African flag.

49. What did the smoke trail of Impala jets symbolise?
Ans: The smoke trail of Impala jets symbolized the new flag of South Africa.

50. How many obligations does everyman have according to Nelson mandela ?
Ans: According to Nelson Mandela everyman has two obligations in life.

51. Name the party joined by Nelson Mandela.
Ans: Nelson Mandela joined the African National Congress.

52. How many years did Nelson Mandela spend in prison?
Ans: Nelson Mandela spent twenty seven years in prison.

53. Who were the other persons who took oath along with Nelson Mandela?
Ans: Mr. de Klerk and Thabo Mbeki took oath along with Nelson Mandela.

54. Name two patriots who sacrificed their life before Nelson Mandela.
Ans: Oliver Tambos and Walter Sisulus.

55. What was Nelson Mandela’s greater hunger for ?
Ans: Nelson Mandela’s greater hunger was for the freedom of his people.

56. How does Nelson Mandela describe the system of Government of his country in the first decade?
Ans: In the first decade of twentieth century the Whites of South Africa built a system of racial domination against black people.

57. Name the party joined by the author.
Ans: African National Congress.

58. How many seats won by Nelson Mandela’s party in the first democratic elections of South Africa?
Ans: 252 seats out of 400 seats.

Short Type Questions and Answers (Marks : 2)

1. Why did the leaders gather in South Africa on 10 May 1994?
Ans: The leaders gather in South Africa to take possession with the people of South Africa for the installation of first democratic government.

2. Why could men not fulfill their twin obligations?
Ans: Every human has two obligations. First one to his family and the second one to his country. But, in such type of country like South Africa, it was completely difficult for a person.

3. What happened in the first decade of the twentieth century?
Ans: In the first decade of the twentieth century, the white-skinned peoples of South Africa patched up their differences and elected a system of racial domination against the dark-skinned peoples of their own land.

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4. Who formed the structure of one of the harshest and most inhumane societies?
Ans: The white-skinned peoples of South Africa formed the structure of one of the harshest and most inhumane societies.

5. Name the two National Anthems sung on the historic day? Who sang the songs?
Ans: The old Anthem of South Africa ‘Die Stem’ was sung by the Black people while the new Anthem ‘Nkosi Sikelel-iAfrica’ was sung by the whites.

6. What did being free mean to Nelson Mandela ?
Ans: According to Nelson Mandela freedom is indivisible. The chains on any one people of a nation were the chains on the entire community. The true freedom means unobstructed lawful life of each and every citizen of a country.

7. Why does Nelson Mandela think that oppressor is not free ?
Ans: Nelson Mandela thinks that a person who takes away another man’s freedom is a prisoner of hatred. The oppressor is not free like oppressed.

8. How did Nelson Mandela’s hunger for freedom change his life?
Ans: Nelson Mandela’s hunger for freedom changed him from a law-abiding, family-loving person to a bold fighter and a statesman of South Africa.

9. What twin obligation does Mandela mention?
Ans: Nelson Mandela mention that everyman has twin obligation in his life. One obligation to his family, to his parents, to his wife and children. He has another obligation to his people, his community and his country.

10. What does Nelson Mandela thank the international leaders for?
Ans: Nelson Mandela thanks the international leaders for being with the African people and supporting them in their victory for justice, peace and human dignity.

11. What ideals does Nelson Mandela set out for the future of South Africa?
Ans: Nelson Mandela sets out the ideals of liberating all the people of South Africa from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination.

12. What did the military generals do ?
Ans: The military generals arrested Nelson Mandela and his comrades during the struggle. But after the election they saluted him as the president of South Africa and pledged their loyalty.

13. Why were two National Anthems sung?
Ans: The two National Anthems were sung to show mutual acceptance and reverence to both the race of South Africa , the Whites and the Blacks on that historic day.

14. How did the policy of apartheid affect South Africa?
Ans: The policy of apartheid created a deep and lasting wound in South Africa. The oppression of apartheid system also produced great personalities like Nelson Mandela and others.

15. What is the view of Nelson Mandela about the wealth of the country?
Ans: Nelson Mandela viewed that the country is rich in minerals and gems but the greatest wealth of the nation is its people who are finer and truer than diamonds.

16. What does courage mean to Mandela?
Ans: According to Nelson Mandela courage is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid but he who conquers that fear.

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