Verb Phrases | Class 10 English Grammar | Class 10 Verb Phrases Question Bank | Verb Phrases English Grammar Question Bank | Verb Phrases Question Answer Assam | SEBA Class 10 Verb Phrases Question Bank

Verb Phrases

Verb Phrases in 1996 HSLC Examination
By fits and starts, By no means, For good, Bring up, Set out, Deal in.

Ans: By fits and starts: If you work by fits and starts you cannot prosper.
By no means: Assam is by no means a poor state.
For good: He left the country for good.
Bring up: The children were brought up with great care.
Set our: My friend set out for America.
Deal in: He deals in tea.

Verb Phrases in 1997 HSLC Examination
Hand over, Call on, Look for, Give away, Make out, In no time.
Ans: Hand over: He handed the ball over to me.
Call on: He called on me at his office.
Look for: He is looking for a job.
Give away: The Headmaster gave away the prizes to the students.
Make out: I cannot make out what you say.
ln no time: You will get it in no time.

Verb Phrases in 1998 HSLC Examination
Rake over, As well as, Come round, No sooner…. than, Fall out, In no time.
Ans: Take over: The vice principal will take over the charge from the principal.
As well as: He as well as his friends have come.
Come round: He was seriously ill, but he has now Come round.
No sooner.. than: No sooner had the teacher entered the class room than the boys stood up.
Fall out: Don’t fall out with your friends.
In no time: You will get it in no time.

Verb Phrases in 1999 HSLC Examination
Make out, For good, Neither..Nor, Run over, At times, As soon as.
Ans: Make out: I cannot make out what you say.
For good: He left the country for good.
Neither … nor: He can neither sing nor dance.
Run over: The boy was run over by a motor car.
At times: At times he talks wisely.
As soon as: We shall start as soon as the rain stops.

Verb Phrases in 2000 HSLC Examination
In no time, Bring up, Pass away, Set up, As soon as, None but.
Ans: In no time: You will get it in no time.
Bring up: The children were brought up with great care.
Pass away: The old man passed away last night.
Set up: The villagers set up a school in the village.
As soon as: We shall start as soon as the rain stops.
None but: None but Ramen has come.

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Verb Phrases in 2002 HSLC Examination
In black and white, Get rid of, Turn up, Stand by, Break out, Take down.
Ans: In black and white: Put your statement in black and white.
Get rid of: He got rid of all his evil friends.
Turn up: He didn’t turn up in time.
Stand by: All the sons stood by their father.
Break out: Cholera broke out in the village in an epidemic form.
Take down: Please take down what I am saying.

Verb Phrases in 2003 HSLC Examination
Look into, Look after, By fits and starts, At a loss, So far as.
Ans: Look into: I hope you will look into the matter.
Look after: He had to look after his old parents.
By fits and starts: My brother studied accounting by fits and starts, so he failed.
At a loss: He was at a loss to decide what to do.
So far as: So far as I know, he came to the meeting.

Verb Phrases in 2004 HSLC Examination
Keep back, Take to one’s bed, On account of, Look down upon, Take heart, See off.
Ans: Keep back: The woman failed to keep back her tears.
Take to one’s bed: The old man fell ill and took to his bed.
On account of: The schools remained closed on account of floods.
Look down upon: Don’t look down upon the poor.
Take heart: One should take heart in misfortune.
See off: Many people came to see off their leader.

Verb Phrases in 2005 HSLC Examination
Get off, Set up, Run over, Call on, Make up.
Ans: Get off: he got off from the bus.
Set up: The villagers set up a school in the village.
Run over: The blind man was run over by a car.
Call on: I shall call on you tomorrow again. break out,
Make up: I have made up my mind to do the work.

Verb Phrases in 2006 HSLC Examination
Call in; Take over, Look into, Give away, Fall out.
Ans: Call in: Please call in a doctor.
Take over: When he retired, his son took over the business.
Look into: I shall look into the matter and then decide.
Give away: The chief guest gave away the prizes among the selected participants.
Fall out: The two men fell out over a matter of boundary wall.

Verb Phrases in 2007 HSLC Examination
Run over, Turn down, Send for, Bring up, Get through, Tell upon
Ans: Run over: The blind man was run over by a car.
Turn down: His proposal was turned down.
Send for: Send for a doctor immediately; the patient is serious.
Bring up: The children were brought up with great care.
Get through: Hard work enabled him to get through the test.
Tell upon: If you work very hard, it may tell upon your health.

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Verb Phrases in 2008 HSLC Examination
Look into, Make out, In no time, As soon as, Look down upon.
Ans: look into: I hope you will look into the matter.
Make out: I cannot make out what you say.
In no time: In no time he would have piles of money in the bank.
As soon as: We shall start as soon as the rain stops.
Look down upon: Do not look down upon the poor.

Verb Phrases in 2009 HSLC Examination
Send for, Tell upon, Turn up, Run over, Put up
Ans: Send for: The mayor sent for the man.
Turn up: The guests turn up in time.
Tell upon: The illness told upon his health.
Run over: The cat was run over by a car.
Put up: They have put up a tent.

Verb Phrases in 2010 HSLC Examination
Break down, Give away, Look after, Call on, Sit for.
Ans: Break down: His health broke down under pressure of work.
Give away: The Inspector of schools gave away the prizes.
Look after: There is no one to look after the orphan.
Call on: I have to call on you in the evening.
Sit for: I shall sit for the next examination.

Verb Phrases in 2011 HSLC Examination
Come about, Give up, For good, Black sheep
Ans: Come about: How did it come about that Raju had to?
Give up: Keep on going but never give up.
For good: They left the country for good.
Black sheep: There are black sheep in every society.

Verb Phrases in 2012 HSLC Examination
Nook and corner, Of late, With a view to, Look after.
Ans: Nook and corner: I searched every nook and corner for the missing watch
Of late: Of late, Raju has become an actor.
With a view to: Sita came here with a view to getting my approval.
To look after: I have to look after my old parents.

Verb Phrases in 2013 HSLC Examination
Null and void, By dint of, With flying colours, All in all.
Ans: Null and void: The Parliament declared the bill null and void.
By dint of: Raju secured first in the examination by dint of his hard labour.
With flying colours: They returned with flying colors.
All in all: Raja is all in all there.

Verb Phrases in 2014 HSLC Examination
Look into, Call off, Get rid of
Ans: Look into: I shall look into the matter and then decide.
Call off: The strike was called off.
Get rid of: Try to get rid of that rogue, Ramen.

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Verb Phrases in 2015 HSLC Examination
In order to, All in all, Now and then, At large.
Ans: In order to: Bipul Bora came here in order to meet my brother.
All in all: Manoj is all in all in the office.
Now and then: Mr. Bilal comes here now and then.
At large: The antisocials are still at large.

Verb Phrases in 2016 HSLC Examination
Bring up, Look for, Give up, Look after
Ans: Bring up: Raju is brought up by his mother.
Look for: He is looking for a job.
Give up: Try to give up your bad habits.
Look after: He looks after his aged parents.

Verb Phrases in 2017 HSLC Examination
Give away, Far and wide, Put out, Turn up
Ans: Give away: Amar decided to give away everything he possessed and became a monk.
Far and wide: Raju’s fame has spread far and wide.
Put out: Despite putting out her best effort, she was unable to beat Rashmi.
Turn up: He turned up again after a lapse of two years.

Verb Phrases in 2018 HSLC Examination
Run over, Deal in, Carry out, in Order to
Ans: Run over: The man was run over by a truck in the busy Ganeshguri road.
Deal in: Raju deals in rice.
Carry out: You should carry out your duties sincerely.
In order to: In order to succeed in life you must work very hard with sincerity.

Verb Phrases in 2019 HSLC Examination
Far and wide, Break out, Give up, Fall out.
Ans: Far and wide: They searched far and wide for the missing child.
Break out: Cholera broke out in the village in an epidemic form.
Give up: Try to give up your bad habits.
Fall out: The two men fell out over a matter of boundary wall.

Verb Phrases in 2020 HSLC Examination
Make Out, Give Away, Deal In, Carry Out

Make Out (understand): I could not make out what the teacher was saying.
Give Away (donate): Don’t give away everything you have.
Deal In (buy and sell): His brother deals in grocery.
Carry Out (fulfill): We should carry out the order of our teacher.

Verb Phrases in 2022 HSLC Examination
Stand by, Make out, Bring up, Put out.
Stand by: She has a few friends who stand by her.
Make out: I cannot make out what you say.
Bring up: The children were brought up with great care.
Put out: Put out the fire immediate.

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