Amanda! | SEBA Class 10 English Question Answer | Important Questions Answers | NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English | SEBA English Textbook Question Answer | HSLC English Question and Answer Assam | SEBA English Question and Answer Assam | Class 10 English | First Flight


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1. The speaker makes design with her _____.
(a) pencil
(b) bare feet
(c) hands
(d) sketch pen
Ans: (b) bare feet

2. Which word in the passage means the same as ‘naked’.
(a) pattern
(b) bare
(c) hushed
(d) roaming
Ans: (b) bare

3. Name the poet ?
(a) Rudyard Kipling
(b) Robert Frost
(c) Robin Klein
(d) William Butler Yeats
Ans: (c) Robin Klein

4. Who is ‘me’ in these lines ?
(a) Amanda’s mother
(b) Amanda’s sister
(c) Amanda’s friend
(d) Amanda herself
Ans: (d) Amanda herself

5. Amanda’s desire was to be a mermaid, living in the _____ sea.
(a) blue
(b) green
(c) yellow
(d) red
Ans: (b) green

6. Emerald also means _____.
(a) green
(b) red
(c) blue
(d) yellow
Ans: (a) green

7. Find out the word from the extract which also means ‘relaxed’.
(a) emerald
(b) blissfully
(c) languid
(d) inhabitant
Ans: (b) blissfully

8. Why should Amanda not eat chocolate?
(a) it causes heart disease.
(b) it will damage liver.
(c) it causes acne.
(d) it causes cancer .
Ans: (c) it causes acne.

9. What does she want to do as an orphan?
(a) walk freely in the streets
(b) play in dust with bare feet
(c) All of the above
(d) None of the above
Ans: (c) All of the above

10. How is silence described?
(a) Golden
(b) Silver
(c) Platinum
(d) Love
Ans: (a) Golden

11. Who is the poet of the poem “Amanda”?
(a) Leslie Norris
(b) Robert Frost
(c) Carolyn Wells
(d) Robin Klein
Ans: (d) Robin Klein

12. Amanda is a —–.
(a) Little girl
(b) Little boy
(c) Puppy
(d) Name of a cat
Ans: A(a) Little girl

13. Amanda’s mother instructed her not to eat —– for her acne.
(a) Oil
(b) Sweets
(c) Chocolate
(d) Fast food
Ans: (c) Chocolate

14. What was Amanda to finish?
(a) her homework
(b) her hair
(c) her bath
(d) catch the fishes
Ans: (a) her homework

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15. The speaker wants Amanda to learn_____.
(a) good habits
(b) bad habits
(c) pleasing habits
(d) no habits
Ans: (a) good habits

16. Who is the speaker ?
(a) Amanda’s grandfather
(b) Amanda’s teacher
(c) Amanda’s mother
(d) Amanda’s father
Ans: (c) Amanda’s mother

17. Pick out the word from the passage which means the same as ‘erect’.
(a) hunch
(b) slouching
(c) bite
(d) straight
Ans: (d) straight

18. According to the narrator, Amanda is a very _____ girl.
(a) cute
(b) responsible
(c) naughty
(d) careless
Ans: (d) careless

19. Amanda is asked to finish her _____.
(a) homework
(b) milk
(c) meal
(d) playing
Ans: (a) homework

20. _____ is talking to Amanda.
(a) Both the parents
(b) One of the parents
(c) Her mother
(d) Her father
Ans: (b) One of the parents

21. I told you to clean your _____.
(a) room
(b) shoes
(c) table
(d) book shelf
Ans: (b) shoes

22. If Amanda is an orphan, what will she do?
(a) She will roam about in the streets.
(b) She will tease everyone in the streets.
(c) She will not complete her homework.
(d) All of the Above
Ans: (a) She will roam about in the streets.

23. Where does she make pattern on ?
(a) on sketch book
(b) on paper
(c) on table
(d) on soft dust
Ans: (d) on soft dust

24. She is not an orphan, but she _____ to be one.
(a) wants
(b) wishes
(c) imagines
(d) longs
Ans: (c) imagines

25. Who is the poet of the poem “Amanda”?
(a) Leslie Norris
(b) Robert Frost
(c) Carolyn Wells
(d) Robin Klein
Ans: (d) Robin Klein

26. Rapunzel is a character from a _____ fairy tale.
(a) German
(b) Irish
(c) English
(d) Indian
Ans: (a) German

27. Name the literary device used in the line “Don’t bite your nails, Amanda! Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda!”
(a) Anaphora
(b) Enjambment
(c) Metaphor
(d) Alliteration
Ans: (a) Anaphora

28. How should Amanda sit?
(a) Long Sit
(b) Side Sit
(c) Straight
(d) Ring Sit
Ans: (c) Straight

29. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?
(a) be in the green sea
(b) lead a relaxing life
(c) All of the above
(d) None of the above
Ans: (c) All of the above

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30. What will Amanda’s behaviour make people think?
(a) her mother loves her
(b) her mother harasses her
(c) her mother is understanding
(d) both 1 and 3
Ans: (b) her mother harasses her

31. Name the literary device used in the line “freedom is sweet”
(a) Anaphora
(b) Enjambment
(c) Metaphor
(d) Alliteration
Ans: (c) Metaphor

32. What does she imagine being when she pictures herself in a tower?
(a) Mermaid
(b) Orphan
(c) Rapunzel
(d) None of the Above
Ans: (c) Rapunzel

33. Name the literary devices used in the line “Stop that slouching and sit up straight”.
(a) Anaphora
(b) Assonance
(c) Metaphor
(d) Alliteration
Ans: (d) Alliteration

34. What made Amanda sulk and become moody?
(a) When she had to complete her homework.
(b) When her mother gives her too many instructions.
(c) When she has to clean her shoes.
(d) None of the Above
Ans: (b) When her mother gives her too many instructions.

Very Short Type Questions and Answers (Marks : 1)

1. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?
Ans: If Amanda were a mermaid she could drift around happily in the green sea.

2. How do you know that Amanda is a teenager?
Ans: Amanda is a teenager, school going girl. It is clear from the acne she has. This skin condition is commonly found in teenagers.

3. How old do you think Amanda is? How do you know this?
Ans: Amanda is a teenager, school going girl. It is clear from the acne she has. This skin condition is commonly found in teenagers.

4. Who is Amanda?
Ans: Amanda is a teenager, school going girl.

5. What does Amanda like to bite?
Ans: Amanda likes to bite her nail.

6. Who lives in a languid emerald sea?
Ans: Amanda dreams of being a mermaid and live in a languid emerald sea.

7. What does the speaker ask Amanda to clean?
Ans: The speaker asks Amanda to clean her shoes and keep her room tidy.

8. Who is Amanda? How old is she?
Ans: Amanda is a school going girl. She is a teenager.

9. What is a mermaid? What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?
Ans: A mermaid is an imaginary female which is half human and half fish. If Amanda were a mermaid she could drift around happily in the green sea.

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10. Is Amanda an orphan? Why does she say so?
Ans: No, Amanda is not an orphan. She says she is an orphan because she desires silence and freedom and wants to be alone.

11. Why is Amanda asked not to have chocolates?
Ans: Amanda is asked not to have chocolates because she had acne on her face.

12. Why does Amanda wish to be Rapunzel?
Ans: Amanda thinks that if she were Rapunzel, she could live a peaceful life alone in her own tower.

13. Do you think Amanda is sulking and moody?
Ans: Being a teenager Amanda behaves like a moody. She sometimes engrossed in her daydreams and thus could not pay attention to her parents.

13. What did the girl yearn for?
Ans: The girl yearns for freedom. She wants solitude and peace.

14. What questions were asked to Amanda?
Ans: Amanda was asked if she had done her homework. Tidied her room and cleaned her shoes.

Short Type Questions and Answers (Marks : 2)

1. How does Amanda reply the speaker?
Ans: Amanda replies the speaker in her own carefree way. She says that she is a mermaid and lives in the peaceful green sea. She is the only inhabitant there and moves there blissfully.

2. What does Amanda do? What does the speaker ask her to do?
Ans: Amanda is sitting awkwardly and biting her nails. She is raising her shoulders. Her posture is not normal. The speaker doesn’t like such behaviour. So he asks Amanda to behave properly.

3. How does Amanda describe her life?
Ans: Amanda says that she is an orphan. She wanders about the streets. She makes designs on soft dust with her bare feet. To her, silence is golden and freedom is sweet.

4. What questions does the speaker ask Amanda?
Ans: The speaker asks Amanda if she finished her homework and if she tidied her room. He also expects her to clean her shoes.

5. Give the central idea of the poem?
Ans: Every child feels that his or her freedom is curtailed by their parents. Parents want to modify their children’s behaviour and children feel that they are debarred from enjoying their freedom. In such situation children don’t like to abide by the commands of their parents.

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